Inclement Weather Activities
Snow Day Choice Boards
3rd-5th grade specials activities
3rd-5th Grade Specials Classes Choice Board (Google Doc)
3rd-5th Grade Specials Choice Board (Art, Music, PE & Library)
Choose 1-2 activities to complete AFTER you are done with your homeroom assignments.
- Music Theory: 3rd-5th grade appropriate, 2nd grade if you're wanting a challenge!
- Go to
- Click "exercises"
- Play the games: (You can change the settings to each of these games and see if you can figure them out. Challenge yourself!)
- Note Construction
- Scale Construction
- Note Identification
- Learn about a famous artist:
- Find a video
- Read about or research an artist whose work you find exciting!
- Draw or write three things you liked about their artwork.
- Even better, create an artwork in tribute!
- Draw the Snow: Draw a picture of the snow that you see from home (landscapes will look best). You can draw your snowy view from your window or use your imagination!
- Music Lab:
- Go to
- Go to "Song Maker"
- Work with a family member to re-create a song you know or have heard.
- It can be a movie theme, a nursery-rhyme song, or a popular tune.
- Make some play dough:
- Ingredients
- 2 cups water
- 2cups flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tbs cooking oil
- 2 tbs food coloring (optional)
- Directions
- Combine water, salt, and food coloring
- Boil until dissolved
- Mix in cooking oil and flour while water mixture is still very hot
- Knead until smooth
- Ingredients
1st Grade
English and Spanish First Grade Bingo (PDF)
1st Grade Choice Board
For asynchronous learning, complete a row or all of these tasks to earn a bingo. Have parents send your teacher pictures or sign off on completed tasks for a prize!
- Write your name in the snow
- Find the alphabet in print around the house
- Create an indoor obstacle course
- Make a snowman
- Make a paper snowflake
- Drink hot chocolate
- Draw a winter picture
- Write a winter story
- Read a book to a family member
- Find shapes:
- Square
- Circle
- Triangle
- Rectangle
- How many squares, circles, and triangles can you find in your house?
- Build a map of your community
- Build a fort
- Learn three yoga poses and practice them
- Play a board game with a family member
- Snowball melt: Make three snowballs and see which one melts fastest
- Write a thank-you note
- Find sounds around the house (digraphs, glued sounds, etc.)
- Build a puzzle, lego set, etc.
- Read for 30 minutes
- Help make dinner
- Measure objects with your hand
- Make math flashcards and quiz an adult
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Snow Day Choice Board (Google Doc)
2nd Grade Snow Day Choice Board
Choose any 3 activities to complete. Each activity has something that needs to be completed. Please remember to bring your completed activities to school tomorrow in order to be given credit.
- Do something kind for someone. Draw and label a picture of what you did.
- How do you feel about your snow day? Write at least 5 sentences on another paper.
- How many windows and doors do you have where you live? How many more windows or doors do you have?
- Make a snowflake by either folding and cutting a piece of paper or draw a picture.
- Pretend you are a penguin and write about a day in your life. Write at least 5 sentences on another paper.
- Write down what time you eat lunch? How long did you eat for?
- Build a structure with toys or recyclables and draw a picture of your creation.
- No Electronics: Play or exercise inside or outside for 20 minutes. (Must print out choice board and have parent initial)
- Look around your home and find:
- 3 circles
- 4 quadrilaterals (4 sided shapes)
- Challenge: Can you find 1 triangle or hexagon?
- Write down each object you found.
- Read for 15 minutes. Then on another piece of paper draw a picture of the main character in the setting of the story.
- Read for 15 minutes. Then on another piece of paper draw a picture of each part of the story (beginning, middle and end).
- Write down the following on another paper.
- Count by 2s from 0-30
- Count by 5s from 5-55
- Count by 10s from 30-200
- Challenge: Skip count by 25s from 0-500
3rd Grade
3rd Grade Snow Day Choice Board (Google Doc)
3rd Grade Snow Day Choice Board
Complete 4 activities per snow day. Have a guardian sign the boxes you completed OR send a picture to your teacher. If an activity requires writing, bring your work to class the next day.
- Find 3 real-life multiplication equations. Write them out and solve them.
- Take a nature walk and make a list of any animals that you see outside.
- Find 5 vowel teams in print. Write down the words and underline the vowel you hear.
- Have a dance party. Bonus points if your family joins!
- Go around the house and collect loose coins, then add it all together.
- Draw an array and write the matching equation in the snow.
- Write a checklist of steps for cleaning your room, then go clean your room and check off tasks as you go.
- Skip count by 2s and 3s up to 50 and write it down. Practice with a family member.
- Pretend you are a snowman. Write a short story about a day in your life. (5 sentences)
- Find 5 r-controlled vowels in print and write them down.
- Eat a sweet treat or drink hot cocoa.
- Read for 20 minutes. Write a 3-4 sentence summary.
- Do something kind for someone. Draw a picture and write a description of what you did. (2-4 sentences)
- Read for 20 minutes. Write a 3-4 sentence summary.
- Find as many different combinations as you can to make $5. Use $1 bills and coins.
- Call a loved one and talk for at least 10 minutes.
4th Grade
4th Grade Snow Day Choice Board (Google Doc)
4th Grade Snow Day Choice Board
Choose 3-4 Activities to complete. Take a selfie of you doing the activity, bring the activity to school, have an adult message your teacher the list of completed activities, or have an adult initial this paper for each activity you complete.
- Help your parent/guardian make breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Write about the process and what you ate.
- Find a book to read and read for 20 minutes.
- No Technology. Exercise for 20 minutes inside or outside.
- Make a paper snowflake. You can find a tutorial on YouTube or figure it out yourself!
- Write instructions for how to make a snowman.
- Watch a video about an animal of your choosing and write a list of the most interesting facts you learned.
- Do something nice for someone in your house to show how much you care for them. Write about what you did.
- If it snows and it’s safe to do so, go outside and make a Snow Angel. Measure the “wingspan” (fingertip to fingertip) in inches, then in centimeters. If you can’t make a Snow Angel, measure someone in your household’s wingspan!
- Skip count by 3, 4, 6, 7,8, or 9s. Stop at 100. Write down the numbers you counted.
- Solve this riddle: We can be made of leather or can be made of wool, we come in pairs and keep you from cold. What am I? Then write your own.
- Count the number of corners in your house. Then divide that number by how many rooms are in your house.
- Ex: 20 corners, 4 rooms. 20 divided by 4 equals 5.
- Draw or paint a winter landscape. Then write a story to go along with your artwork.
5th Grade
5th Grade Choice Board
Choose 1-2 activities to complete after you are done with your homework (if you had any)
Paragraph Writing
- If you could be the principal for one day at your school, what would you do?
- Imagine you had a restaurant. What would be on the menu?
Read a few chapters of a book and write a summary.
Multiplication Drills (Mixed)
Practice your multiplication facts (Page 2 of PDF)
- 2x1
- 2x8
- 8x9
- 7x4
- 4x7
- 5x8
- 3x3
- 8x1
- 6x7
- 10x8
- 2x4
- 7x5
- 2x9
- 3x1
- 2x7
- 9x6
- 10x7
- 6x9
- 6x4
- 7x7
- 5x5
- 1x1
- 10x10
- 0x6
- 2x6
- 4x5
- 10x6
- 10x3
- 5x1
- 10x1
- 6x3
- 10x3
- 6x7
- 2x2
- 10x5
- 3x9
- 0x7
- 6x6
- 10x5
- 3x0
- 10x2
- 0x5
- 1x9
- 5x3
- 2x4
- 10x6
- 2x5
- 2x8
- 1x5
- 4x1
- 9x0
- 9x9
- 10x4
- 4x9
- 10x8
- 9x7
- 3x4
- 9x8
- 10x0
- 2x3
- 4x0
- 10x1
- 2x1
- 10x7
- 5x7
- 1x7
- 10x9
- 10x9
- 1x0
- 10x4
- 8x4
- 8x1
- 4x9
- 9x2
- 5x4
- 1x4
- 7x8
- 8x0
- 3x7
- 9x5
Diamante Poem
Create a Diamante poem about your snow day. (Page 3 of PDF)
- Noun
- Adjective, Adjective
- Participle, Participle, Participle
- Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun
- Participle, Participle, Participle
- Adjective, Adjective
- Noun
Wakko's America Song
Go over the 50 states song with your family members. (Page 4 of PDF)
Wakko's America (Episode 21)
Music traditional (Turkey in the Straw). Lyrics by Randy Rogel.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Indianapolis, Indiana
And Columbus is the capital of Ohio
There's Montgomery, Alabama, south of Helena, Montana
Then there's Denver, Colorado, under Boise, Idaho.
Texas has Austin, then we go north
To Massachusetts' Boston, and Albany, New York
Tallahassee, Florida, and Washington, D.C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Nashville, Tennessee.
Elvis used to hang out there a lot, ya know.
Trenton's in New Jersey, north of Jefferson, Missouri
You've got Richmond in Virginia; South Dakota has Pierre
Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine
And here is Providence, Rhode Island, next to Dover, Delaware.
Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunt
To Montpelier, which is up in Vermont
Hartford's in Connecticut, so pretty in the fall
And Kansas has Topeka; Minnesota has St. Paul.
Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska
And it's Raleigh out in North Carolina and then
There's Madison, Wisconsin, and Olympia in Washington
Phoenix, Arizona, and Lansing, Michigan.
Here's Honolulu; Hawaii's a joy
Jackson, Mississippi, and Springfield, Illinois
South Carolina with Columbia down the way
And Annapolis in Maryland on Chesapeake Bay.
They have wonderful clam chowder.
Cheyenne is in Wyomin' and perhaps you make your home in
Salt Lake City out in Utah, where the Buffalo roam
Atlanta's down in Georgia, and there's Bismark, North Dakota
And you can live in Frankfort in your old Kentucky home
Salem in Oregon; from there we join
Little Rock in Arkansas; Iowa's got Des Moines
Sacramento, California; Oklahoma and its city
Charleston, West Virginia, and Nevada, Carson City.
That's all the capitals there are!